Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Blog!

Hello! (:

This is my blog. I've had one once before... for about a week, but my friend Kylee and I have decided to start our own blogs. It should be fun! I am currently up at Utah State University, and I love it here. The campus is great and just now starting to warm up! I have the best friends ever up here! They are all amazing and strong people. 

This is semester number 2, and I am still having the time of my life, while being jammed with many homework assignments, tests, quizzes, and hours of practicing piano, violin, guitar and my choir pieces. Oh, the joys of being a music major. 

One reason why I wanted to start a blog is because I love to write my thoughts down, and I do that in a journal already,  but I thought it would be more exciting to write somethings down on a blog for people to read. I love to read other peoples blogs, and have seen so much come out of it, so hopefully it does the same for me! So, enjoy, and please follow me so that I can update you more on who I am, and what's going on in my crazy life! 

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